Monday 10 June 2013

Term 3 reflection

This term for me was very fun in my perspective  this term was great especially in science we made structures the first structure we made was a building that could withstand an earthquake after we were done building our buildings would have to withstand an earthquake while there would be two sand bags on it if one would fall while the earthquake was happening you would get a bad mark sadly my groups building came in second last. Another project in science was building structures that can withstand the weight of a science text book the more the building could withstand the better the mark my groups building came in second place.the last project we did in science was making windmills the could actually carry wind it had to be at least fifty cm my groups windmill came in first place.

In social studies we got into groups and designed our own islands we had to either choose to make a brochure or a power point including all the imformation of the island the history and the culture. my group chose to make a power point and our island was called Breakfast island the entire island that my group and I designed was completely made of breakfast eggs bacon you name it and its on that opinion of the project is that it was really fun I enjoyed working on it I just wish that the people in my group worked a little harder then they actually did.

Math for this term wasn't to difficult it was hard in some bits and pieces like when we had to find the area of squares surface area.the one thing that I have a little trouble with is algebra. algerbra is somewhat difficult exspecially when there are two Xs in the problem but in it  all I hope I get better in math as I move on to grade nine.

in french we are desighning our own french menus we have to include what the food is in english and french and we have to draw our restuarunts logo.we also have to have appetitizers side dishes main courses beverages desserts speciales and a kid section. my opinion of this activity is that it is somewhat fun